A joint effort to strengthen Europe’s ability to monitor marine biodiversity and habitats
OBAMA-Next is organized into seven work packages (WP) collaborating closely to foster innovative research, integrating cutting-edge technologies, and providing a scientific basis to help stakeholders make informed decisions.
WP1 - Engagement of stakeholders and identification of product needs
WP leaders
Angel Borja (AZTI), Henn Ojaveer (UTARTU)
- Task 1.1 Practitioners’ Advisory Board (PAB): map target stakeholders
- Task 1.2. Co-working and co-design process
- Task 1.3. Iterative co-development and specification of data products
- Task 1.4. OBAMA-NEXT product guidelines and training of stakeholders
WP1 will identify the policy and societal needs and guide the product development in OBAMA-NEXT, having a pivotal role in engaging key stakeholders and ensuring that teams in other WPs will develop information products which meet their needs.
WP2 - Assessing existing and new data sources for pelagic habitats
WP leaders
Veronique Creach (CEFAS), Raffaele Siano (IFREMER)
- Task 2.1. Reviewing existing and emerging technologies for pelagic observations
- Task 2.2. Test and improve remote sensing methods for pelagic observations
- Task 2.3. Evaluating molecular methods for pelagic species
- Task 2.4. Developing EOV/EBVs from novel in situ observations
- Task 2.5. Identify means of improvement for long-term engagement of citizen science in pelagic data
- Task 2.6. Identify gaps and establish Best Practices
WP2 AND WP3 Will review efficiency and applicability of existing observation technologies and further evaluate new approaches for collecting and assessing biological and ecosystem data.
WP3 - Assessing existing and new data sources for benthic habitats
WP leaders
Hege Gundersen (NIVA), Markku Viitasalo (SYKE)
- Task 3.1. Reviewing existing and emerging technologies for benthic observations
- Task 3.2. Developing remote sensing methods for benthic observations
- Task 3.3. Evaluating molecular methods for benthic species and habitat detection
- Task 3.4. Developing citizen science for benthic observations
- Task 3.5. Identify gaps and establish Best Practices
WP2 AND WP3 Will review efficiency and applicability of existing observation technologies and further evaluate new approaches for collecting and assessing biological and ecosystem data.
WP4 - Toolbox development for information products for biodiversity, habitats, and ecosystem function
WP leaders
Ghada El-Serafy (DELTARES), Christian Lønborg (AU)
- Task 4.1. Roadmap for technical solutions linking to user and policy needs
- Task 4.2. Development of digital architecture and processing chains
- Task 4.3. Transforming data to fit-for-purpose tools, indicators and information products
- Task 4.4. Visualisations and establish protocols for algorithms use
- Task 4.5. Uncertainty quantification and quality assurance metrics
WP4 will develop integrative algorithms for spatial distribution maps and indicators for habitats and biological communities.
WP5 - Evaluation and validation of toolbox on Learning Sites
WP leaders
Nadia Papadopoulou (HCMR), Jesper Andersen (NIVA)
- Task 5.1 Learning site data and knowledge base
- Task 5.2 Validation and evaluation of methodologies and tools
- Task 5.3 Evaluating information products for predictive modelling
- Task 5.4 Integrating Lessons Learned
WP5 Will apply the toolbox (WP4) to specific areas, termed learning sites (LSs), for lesson provision and synthesis.
WP6 - Applicability of information products for achieving policy goals
WP leaders
Chris McOwen (UNEP-WCMC), Giulia Mo (ISPRA)
- Task 6.1. Review and evaluation of EU and international policy requirements.
- Task 6.2. Evaluation of the applicability of data products with respect to the EU/international policy needs
- Task 6.3. Applying information products for assessing the ecological coherence of the EU MPA network
- Task 6.4. Evaluation of information products for carbon storage (Blue Carbon), offsetting and NDC
- Task 6.5. Synthesis and recommendations to improve the performance of biodiversity policies
WP6 will demonstrate the applicability of the toolbox and the information products (WP4) to support policy design, implementation, reporting and decision-making.
WP7 - Project coordination, management and reporting
WP leaders
Jacob Carstensen (AU), Miguel Leal (ScC)
- Task 7.1. Description of Work (DoW) and consortium agreement
- Task 7.2. Open Science and data management coordination
- Task 7.3. Branding, DEC plans and coordination of external communication/dissemination
- Task 7.4. Undergo accounting and financial reporting activities
- Task 7.5. Development of internal communication tools
- Task 7.6. Engage with other relevant scientific projects and networks
- Task 7.7. Educational activities and tools
- Task 7.8. Ethics, equity and gender balance
WP7 will ensure the internal and external aspects of the communication within the project, overseeing an efficient communication between WPs.