Evaluation and validation of toolbox on Learning Sites
Here is a summary of the activities being developed in work package 5. All activities are linked to work package tasks (T) and deliverables (D).
Q1 – December to February | Kick off of WP5, set up the workplan for 2023, start work on and Task 5.1. on creating the Community of Learning and the systematic collation of metadata available in the LSs. January: Designing the template for the Learning Site Metadata catalogue (including various categories and groups on site characteristics, variables, technologies, platforms, components). |
Q2 – March to May | Finalising the metadata catalogue headings. Request and receive feedback from WPs 2, 3, 4. Revise and release of the 2 metadata catalogues to the LS coordinators for filling in. |
Q3 – June to August | Filling in the 2 metadata catalogues by partners. Start work on Task 5.3. Identification of relevant scientific communities and potential collaborators towards Milestone 5.1. List of scientific communities outside OBAMA-NEXT and sister projects contacts (e.g. working on related predictive modelling in the LSs). |
Q4 – September to November | Checking for missing data entries, correcting errors and finalising the 2 catalogues. Collecting shapefiles and coordinates for a revised map of LSs for the project needs and LS infographics. Drafting informal collaboration agreement (M13). |
Q5 – December to February | M13: Established collaboration agreements submitted at month 14 (Jan 2024) and engaging with potential external collaborators for signed agreements. Initial discussions on Task 5.2. (evaluation of tools, methodologies and IPs at each LS, possible criteria). Designing a new catalogue linking LSs with IPs (related to Task 5.2 and WP6 requirements e.g. presence of MPAs and Blue Carbon studies). |
Q6 – March to May | Produced Milestone M5.2 (collated, processed, and stored LS data, notifying on the actual data sets available by each LS) (Task T5.1).
Working on the catalogues, new synthesis for LS metadata visualisation infographics and integration of WP4-WP5-W6. Initial discussions on T5.3 for evaluating information products for predictive modelling. |
OBAMA-NEXT partner Showcases Seagrass Mapping Innovations at the 1st DOORS Stakeholder Conference
Created a Google Earth project for all the OBAMA-NEXT Learning Sites. |