Stay up to date with the OBAMA-NEXT project

OBAMA-NEXT Partner CSIC at CINEA Workshop
On February 4, 2025, OBAMA-NEXT researcher Nuria Marba (CSIC) attended the “CINEA Workshop on Blue Carbon in the EU”, which focused on advancing blue carbon research and policy.

A week of international collaboration at Syke to advance habitat modelling
During a weeklong meeting, Sanjina Upadhyay from Aarhus University worked alongside Louise Forsblom from Syke and Jarno Vanhatalo from the University of Helsinki to test and discuss methods of habitat modelling, as well as share some of her own work with Syke colleagues.

OBAMA-NEXT joins collaborative Field Campaign in Formentera
OBAMA-NEXT, in collaboration with C-BLUES project and SeaBee, is currently conducting an intensive field campaign in Formentera

Bridging Blue Carbon Research and Conservation: OBAMA-NEXT’s highlighted in EC publication
OBAMA-NEXT project was recently featured in an European Commission publication focused on integrating blue carbon management within climate and biodiversity frameworks

Innovation in Marine Biodiversity Monitoring: a collaborative effort between Horizon Europe Projects
A recently published paper represents the collaborative efforts between OBAMA-NEXT, GES4SEAS, and three other Horizon Europe projects.

Join the 12th FerryBox Workshop: Advancing Operational Oceanography and Autonomous Observation
Register for the 12th FerryBox Workshop, organized by our partner Syke, scheduled for October 1-2, 2024, in Helsinki

OBAMA-NEXT Hits 18-Month Milestone with Significant Achievements in Marine Biodiversity Monitoring
OBAMA-NEXT reaches its 18-month milestone with substantial advances reported.

OBAMA-NEXT partner Showcases Seagrass Mapping Innovations at the 1st DOORS Stakeholder Conference
A team from NIMRD, a partner in the OBAMA-NEXT project, presented a poster entitled "Protecting our underwater meadows: Overview of Zostera noltei meadows from the Romanian Black Sea coast." at the 1st DOORS Stakeholder Conference

OBAMA-NEXT Welcomes the New Horizon Europe Project C-BLUES in a Strategic Collaboration for Marine Conservation
OBAMA-NEXT is set to collaborate with the newly initiated Horizon EU project C-BLUES

OBAMA-NEXT and MARCO-BOLO Joint Annual Meeting: Paving the way for collaborative years to come
OBAMA-NEXT and MARCO-BOLO projects held their joint annual meeting, from the 5th till the 9th of February 2024, setting the tone for future collaboration between projects.

Register now for the TT-CYTO: Tips and Tricks towards flow cytometry data FAIRness Workshop
OBAMA-NEXT project is sponsoring the upcoming TT-CYTO: Tips and Tricks towards flow cytometry data FAIRness workshop

OBAMA-NEXT Researcher, Jarno Vanhatalo, Receives Prestigious ERC Consolidator Grant
Jarno Vanhatalo, a key researcher of OBAMA-NEXT project has been awarded the prestigious European Research Council (ERC) Consolidator Grant.

OBAMA-NEXT Leader Address Baltic Sea Crisis on NDR Schleswig-Holstein Magazin
In a recent feature on NDR Schleswig-Holstein Magazin, Jacob Carstensen, coordinator of the OBAMA-NEXT project shed light on the escalating crisis of dead zones in the Baltic Sea – a critical concern for marine biodiversity.

Jacob Carstensen, Coordinator of OBAMA-NEXT, Wins Prestigious Björn Carlson Östersjöpris Award
We're thrilled to announce that Jacob Carstensen, the coordinator of the OBAMA-NEXT project, has been honoured with the esteemed Björn Carlson Östersjöpris Award.

OBAMA-NEXT coordinator at the Green, Low-carbon and High-quality Development Conference
Professor Jacob Carstensen's keynote addressed the pressing challenges and notable successes in combatting eutrophication—a critical issue affecting aquatic environments worldwide.

Workshop on methods for marine biodiversity mapping and monitoring
Presentations covered diverse topics, such as acoustic survey data to map pelagic fish assemblages, integrating heterogeneous data in species distribution modeling, using species distribution data for marine conservation purposes, species distribution modeling approaches, and habitat suitability modeling under current and future climate scenarios.

Feedback Survey from Summer School 2023
We are excited to share some insights from the survey put in place after AZTI Summer School 2023.

JERICO-S3 Low-cost sensors and citizen science workshop
Save the date and discover the world of ocean observation and citizen science at the upcoming JERICO-S3 WP6 Low-cost sensors and citizen science workshop.

OBAMA-NEXT at GEANS project final webinar
OBAMA-NEXT project will be present at GEANS (Genetic tools for Ecosystem health Assessment in the North Sea region) project final webinar on June 27, 2023.

The recently concluded AZTI Summer School 2023, held at Aquarium of San Sebastian, Spain, was an extraordinary gathering that brought together experts and enthusiasts passionate about marine biodiversity.

OBAMA-NEXT on Summer School 2023
We are pleased to be part of AZTI’s Summer School 2023, centred around the compelling theme of "Innovative and practical tools for monitoring and assessing multiple human pressures affecting biodiversity in marine systems.

Kick-off Meeting Summary
Mallorca was the stage of the kick-off meeting of the OBAMA-NEXT project this week.
The work package leaders developed several sessions to structure their framework for the following year

OBAMA-NEXT kick-off meeting
This meeting will set the tone for the project's next four years and produce fundamental rules and frameworks for all partners and interested parties.