Assessing existing and new data sources for benthic habitats
Here is a summary of the activities being developed in work package 3. All activities are linked to work package tasks (T) and deliverables (D).
Q1 – December to February | Started preparing a scientific paper: “Drone and ground-truth data collection and image annotation: A protocol for coastal habitat mapping and classification”, that has been published during 2024. |
Q2 – March to May | Developed a catalogue template and draft for internal review (Task T3.1) |
SYKE presented an upcoming Finnish mapping study using drones and satellite images under BIODIVERSEA project | |
Oral presentations at the GeoHab conference, La Réunion Island, 10.05.2023:
Initiated the Coherent Mapping Study (CMS) (new data gathering and processing initiative in collaboration with OBAMA-NEXT consortium) (Task T3.2) | |
Q3 – June to August | Met to review results and plan for reviewing existing and emerging technologies for benthic mapping (Task T3.1) |
Forsblom L, Virtanen E, Viitasalo M. 2023. Drivers of species richness of benthic communities on multiple spatial scales. Oral presentation at the Baltic Sea Science Congress 2023, 24.08.2023 | |
Q4 – September to November | Completed Milestone 3.1 (reviewed 112 papers and references covering prominent platforms, sensors, and techniques for benthic mapping) (Task T3.1) |
Tested added value of eDNA in the routine mapping and monitoring of fish in the Finnish learning site (Task T3.3)
Initiated a literature survey and compilation of literature on eDNA |
Q5 – December to February | Started Deliverable D3.1 report writing based on M3.1 (Task T3.1) |
Held a workshop on benthic remote sensing methods during the annual meeting
Completed a Scopus literature review on Citizen Science |
Q6 – March to May | Finalized and delivered D3.1 |
Partners participated in the workshop “The State of Marine Biodiversity Monitoring in Europe” by Marine Biodiversity Monitoring Harmonisation (MBM) (European Commission)
Published: Borja et al 2024. Innovative and practical tools for monitoring and assessing biodiversity status and impacts of multiple human pressures in marine systems. Environ Monit Assess 196, 694. doi: 10.1007/s10661-024-12861-2 Published: Stæhr PAU, Nielsen LT, Azhar M, Göke C, Huber S, Christensen JPA, Hansen LB, Stæhr SU, Krause-Jensen D. 2024. Assessment of the areal distribution of submerged aquatic vegetation using remote sensing in Danish coastal waters. Integrated Marine Monitoring – analytical phase. Aarhus University, DCE – Danish Centre for Environment and Energy, 61 p. – Scientific Report no. 596 Drafted a survey on experiences on the use of citizen science among OBAMA-NEXT consortium and beyond. |