OBAMA-NEXT partner Showcases Seagrass Mapping Innovations at the 1st DOORS Stakeholder Conference
A team from NIMRD, a partner in the OBAMA-NEXT project, presented a poster entitled “Protecting our underwater meadows: Overview of Zostera noltei meadows from the Romanian Black Sea coast.” at the 1st DOORS Stakeholder Conference.
At the 1st DOORS Stakeholder Conference held in Bucharest, Romania, on April 23-24, a team from the National Institute for Marine Research and Development (NIMRD), a partner in the OBAMA-NEXT project, presented key findings through their poster entitled “Protecting our underwater meadows: Overview of Zostera noltei meadows from the Romanian Black Sea coast.” The team, consisting of Oana Alina Marin, Alina Spinu, Florin Timofte, and Laura Boicenco, highlighted the crucial work being done in the area of seagrass mapping, focusing particularly on the distributions and ecological status of seagrass meadows.
This poster presentation was part of a broader showcase featuring over 50 research posters from the Black Sea region, emphasizing the richness and diversity of marine research in this area. The NIMRD team’s poster drew attention to the Zostera noltei, a significant seagrass species found along the Romanian Black Sea coast, known for its ecological importance and contribution to underwater biodiversity.
The focus of their research aligns with OBAMA-NEXT’s commitment to developing robust information products that aid in marine conservation efforts. By mapping the distribution and assessing the ecological status of seagrass meadows, the project aims to enhance understanding and protective measures for these vital habitats.
The participation of the NIMRD team at the DOORS conference not only showcased their leading-edge research but also provided a platform for engaging with other stakeholders from around the Black Sea region. These types of presentations are key to influence long-term impacts and support the sustainability of marine ecosystems.