OBAMA-NEXT at GEANS project final webinar
June 27, 2023
In a groundbreaking display of innovative technology and environmental stewardship, the OBAMA-NEXT project will be present at GEANS (Genetic tools for Ecosystem health Assessment in the North Sea region) project final webinar on June 27, 2023.
This event will explore the potential of DNA-based methods to complement traditional morphology-based techniques in evaluating and preserving the health of marine ecosystems. During the event, the focus will be on the main findings of pilot studies conducted around the North Sea, employing both bulk and environmental DNA (eDNA) sampling methods.
As the event draws to a close, the participants will be treated to presentations of Horizon Europe projects: MARCO-BOLO, featuring Matthias Obst from SeAnalytics, and Peter Stæhr from Aarhus University, highlighting the strides being made by OBAMA-NEXT.
Don’t miss the opportunity to contribute and work towards the preservation and sustainable management of our marine ecosystems.